LFM Software
Open. Intelligent. Laser Scaning Software Solutions.
LFM Server is the most advanced solution available for accessing pre-registered laser scan data and working with it directly in 3D CAD systems. It is simple to use and offers unrivalled performance and functionality.
There are many different 3D laser scanners and 3D CAD systems in use today. LFM Server has been developed to provide users with maximum freedom of choice of both scanning and design systems. It can read unstructured data from various scanner types; not only terrestrial laser scanners but also hand-held, mobile or aerial scanners.
Designed to work with data from even the highest-resolution scanner, LFM Server enables users to work with datasets of unlimited size and exploit photorealistic, 360° BubbleViews™.
Access and work with pre-registered 3D laser scan data with LFM Server. Compile point cloud databases of every scan on a project with InfiniteCore™ technology. Clash detect as-built data against a proposed design. Interface with CAD packages from Autodesk, AVEVA, Bentley, Intergraph or VR Context.

LFM Server 4.4.1 Series Enhancements
Surface Gradient Visualisation
The introduction of Surface Gradient Visualisation delivers a powerful and
customisable new visualisation feature to users of LFM Server. Driven by the volume
management toolset, users are now able to easily and accurately identify variations in
gradients irrespective of size, angle or elevation. Whether you are identifying the relief
of expanse landscapes or the degradation of walls you can now create your own
personal ‘heat maps’ based on your highly-accurate laser data. With a choice of colour
scales and customisable contours this new user-definable feature offers yet another
advanced visualisation for your projects.

Structural Measurements
Critical to many of our customers is the ability to accurately identify and export structural dimensions for verifying against nominal geometry and use in CAD applications. By using our new structural fitting algorithm structural engineers are now able to work closer together on laser scan projects improving project collaboration and
efficiency. The ability to refine section dimensions, position, & orientation ensures accuracy even where captured data might be insufficient, allowing engineers to make confident decisions.
Panoramic Image Support
LFM have always strived to ensure our customers can use the tools most applicable
to their businesses and projects to capture the existing environment. In keeping with
this philosophy LFM Server now imports spherical panoramic images allowing you to
very quickly capture high-resolution 3D imagery using a multitude of panoramic
capture devices.

Orthographic Measurement Improvements
A great feature for the rapid capture of 2-dimensional areas, this new capability allows users to simply slice through your data and quickly generate multiple 2D
measurements with a handy ‘snap-to-axis’ functionality. Driven by our volume management tools this efficiently delivers accurate plan and elevation dimensions.
LFM Server 4.4.1 Platform Updates
Meta Data
LFM Server now stores capture device information, scan date and GPS location
allowing users to identify pertinent information about their projects.
LAS Data
The LFM team have enhanced our support for .las data to support multiple coordinate systems. Please see section 1.2 – Importing LAS (.las/.laz) Data of the LFM Gateway Mode Data Preparation and Registration Guide.
Streamline Product License Installer
We have made it easier for you to get your hands on our amazing products. Please read the License Request and Installation Guide (https://goo.gl/XoXbaZ) to learn more.
ASCII / ReCAP Export
LFM Server now exports for these formats with an unlimited number of points.
Windows 10 Support
LFM Server now supports the Windows 10 operating system.
LFM NetView 4.2 Project Publishing
LFM Server is now able to publish projects in preparation for the upcoming release of LFM NetView 4.2 in which you will be able to consume multiple datasets and project hierarchies in LFM NetView.
New for LFM Server!
LFM Server introduces support for AutoCAD 2018, Navisworks 2018 and Revit 2018.
LFM Server 4.3.1 Series Enhancements
Fast-Tagging & Intuitive Mark-Up
Adding intelligence to an asset has never been so easy with simple ‘locate and tag’ functionality. Simply navigate to the area or item you are interested in, select it and start adding intelligence. Input URL’s (links to data, websites or documents) and attributes within the BubbleView or import .CSV files for the addition of multiple entries.

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